write about yourself.

wishies don't come true
but,list it down!


September 2006October 2006November 2006December 2006January 2007February 2007March 2007April 2007May 2007June 2007July 2007August 2007September 2007October 2007November 2007December 2007January 2008February 2008March 2008April 2008May 2008June 2008July 2008August 2008September 2008October 2008November 2008December 2008January 2009February 2009March 2009April 2009May 2009June 2009August 2009September 2009October 2009November 2009December 2009


1 2 3

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
12:00 AM
Don't worry about that extra line
That's creeping up upon your face
It's just a part of nature's way
To say you've grown a little more
Trees have rings and thicker branches
Kids shoes get a little tighter
Every year we're getting closer to who we're gonna be
It's time to celebrate the story of how you've come to be

Happy birthday my friend
Here's to all the years we've shared together
All the fun we've had
You're such a blessing
Such a joy in my life
May the good Lord bless you
And may all your dreams come true

So light a candle on your cake
For every smile you've helped create
For every heart and every soul
You've known to grow a little more
A few more pounds, a little more grey
Don't count the years just count the way
It takes a little time to go from water into wine
Don't ever lose the wonder of the child within your eyes

Happy birthday my friend
Here's to all the years we've shared together
All the fun we've had
It's such a blessing
Such a joy in my life
May the good Lord bless you
And may all your dreams come true


my name.fiveoceanbright.

Monday, March 17, 2008
11:28 PM
Weird Dreams

I dream of having schl and thn suddenly there is a terrorist attack from de field.Thn we break de window to run away cuz de door is locked and i could only get 2of my friends to run with me.Thn we try to hide and run to a safe place in de schl.In the end we found a guy guiding us to the safe place where some of the schl mates is there le.Thn de guy tell us there is a train taking us out of here butit has nt arrive yet.
We waited..and gather with de grp to see whether our frens were there yet.I found out that most of my friends were nt there and i gt worried.After a while my friends arrive le and i gt so happy and i really cried in my dream..its like in a war and u found that every friend f yours survived together and can reunion like tt...thn I run to them and hug them.Thn duno why i started to look around for my ncc guys and when i see tt they are fine.i tink i saw nelson kaixiong kaixiang hongwei shahrul nigel and alot but i cant rmb in my dreams.i was even more happy...thn forget wad le..

when i woke up i really feel tt my eyes are wet and have cried before like tt..so touching..T.T

Were playing bball thn suddenly my bball frens came to my hse.i tink gt kaiming angela cong lin jackie and nai chong(de guy who have migrated to taiwan).Whn i went into my hse they were preparing food for themselves and playing my computer.It was at night and i tell them to quiet down cuz my parents are sleeping..thn when i go into my roomi saw naichung sleeping on my bed and i wake him up.thn was shock and asked him
"WOW..u were back?"
he replied"ya!"
i said"hey where is my presentss?..muahaha~!"
thn he say"of cuz i bring alot back"

thn after tt forget ...i tink is play duno wad de..

Thn whn all went home i went into my room and saw naichung sleeping in my room again.thn talked to him and chat awhile..
thn my mum wakes me up le...

gt a few more i tink but only rmb tis 2..hehe.but dreams are so real sometimes..however they dun really come true.
But nvm..i will treasure my frens more now.

i tink i am de mr omg so called"cant move on" tt type of ppl.die le!~
duno whether its real but i like keep thinking duno how to cope in poly life cuz de schl is so damn big la.-.-

my name.fiveoceanbright.

1:19 AM
wtf am i feeling now?...i just been crazy over de past few days and now im emo again.fk!
now feel like saying out everything in me but i duno who and where and when and wad to say..
lost i shall say but i duno how to heal my soul.
why i felt like tt again.im sure im damn happy at camp de.haiz.
god damn it.argh!

my name.fiveoceanbright.

Sunday, March 16, 2008
12:36 AM
Im back from NCC annual camp.Tis year is my Part C turn to organize tis camp.
Can see tt alot of effort has been put in .

i duno why but i enjoyed my time there.VERY FUN!
jus very fun ..duno why.think cuz its been long since i have seen my sec3 juniors ..so very high there.haha.
Just wish tt i can still go back and visit them some days.
Forget to take pics with them cuz abit rush on last day.
Find some days thn go back take pics wif them.

First day i went and tod tt it is jus a normal camp and just go there to relax.
But thn de day went on and i started to enjoy myself and play with them.
Play captain ball with them till very high and at bbq they all were like so high and started playing crazily.
Went home tt night and went the other day.
Saw kaixiang there and both of us were like same high there and very together de whole day.haha.
Played and laugh.They were having midnight pt.Kaixiang and i were laughing away at kaixiong when he is doing pt.We jus laughed de whole night through when they were doing pt.Cuz kaixiong action is damn funny and cute la.duno how say la.Jus can say he is a SLEEPY GUY for de whole night.LOL
Thn all were so tired and went to sleep.so nothing to do.i also sleep.
Wake up eat breakfast.they were having pt again-.-.
We went home earlier cuz gt something on.but acutally if can i will want to stay on till de end of de camp.however too bad.haiz.

Overall..i enjoyed myself in de camp la.
REALLY...its been long since i last laughed crazily like tt.really...
dun think tt i do tt everytime ....
thx all tt makes me laugh.expecially kaixiang and kaixiong de 2jokers.HAHA

to my
Part C:enjoy yourself as much as possible during secondary 3 life!
Part D:treasure everyday like there is no tomorrow and make de right choices!

my name.fiveoceanbright.

Monday, March 03, 2008
3:24 PM
hear my blog song.nice

my name.fiveoceanbright.